
5.6" x 3.9"
Explorations of humans, photography, and software as glitches in natural landscapes.

15.8" x 3.9"

4.1" x 5.44"

5.4" x 4"

17.8" x 3.9"

5.4" x 4.1"

4" x 5.4"

17" x 3.9"

1.8" x 4.3"
5.6" x 3.9"
Explorations of humans, photography, and software as glitches in natural landscapes.
15.8" x 3.9"
4.1" x 5.44"
5.4" x 4"
17.8" x 3.9"
5.4" x 4.1"
4" x 5.4"
17" x 3.9"
1.8" x 4.3"