GnuCash 2.4.13 Capital One DirectConnect Fix


Apparently Capital One made some changes to their banking servers in Dec 2012, causing automatic transaction downloading to break in GnuCash.  Here is a fix that should allow you to properly connect & download account info from Capital One:

  1. Follow the instructions for Setting up OFXDirectConnect in GnuCash 2.
  2. Under User Settings, enter your User Name, then enter the string 6c88247e-ab53-46f4-b9c0-ecaee283570f as the Client UID (via this link)
  3. Under Bank Settings, grab the Capitol One bank info by clicking the Select button and searching. blog.3
  4. In Application Settings, make sure the Header Version is set to 103 (via this link) blog.5
  5. Hit OK to save. Now, you should be able to return to the Bank Settings tab to Retrieve Accounts!

If your Client UID and/or Header Version (aka OFX Version) are set incorrectly, you may receive an error like this:

by 11 years ago


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